The world is facing immense problems ...

but there are solutions:

Around 8 billion people currently live on our wonderful planet EARTH! In their entirety, they are demanding ever more valuable resources – be it crude oil for plastic bottles or food packaging, cosmetics, etc., precious metals for the manufacture of batteries and electronic devices and much more.
However, many of these products unfortunately end up in the garbage after their use, and they pollute nature, can poison the soil and water and endanger people, fauna and flora.
These are all the dire consequences of an unrestrained consumer society and a ruthless economy based on constant growth, as well as the immense throwaway economy.
It is therefore an important necessity for the survival of mankind to establish a highly efficient collection or deposit system that helps to collect and recycle important products and valuable materials.
This is where BONI comes into play – because BONI can help ensure that the collection rates reach almost 100 percent!

What is BONI?
BONI is a new deposit system based on a machine-readable QR code and digital technology.
All products whose raw material or pollutant content makes targeted collection sensible are printed or marked with an individual, machine-readable QR code – the BONI code.
The BONI code contains all information relevant to the deposit system such as:
• the type of material
• time and place of production
• the amount of the deposit
• the currency of the country in which the product is sold
This means that every BONI code is as unique as a fingerprint!
The BONI code can be used, for example, for:
• PET bottles
• HDPE plastic containers
• beverage cans
• glass bottles
• batteries
• electrical appliances (electronic waste)
• energy saving light bulbs and
• many other products worth collecting

The BONI code is basically a digital,
machine-readable and forgery-proof "voucher"
How does BONI work?

Everyone who takes part in the BONI deposit system receives the associated BONI card – in physical form as a card or a smart phone app. The Bank account number for deposit refunds is stored on the BONI card.
• If the consumer brings the collected products to the collection points at various retailers or to the return machines, the deposit is read from the code and then credited directly to the "BONI card" or the specified account.
• BONI transfers the deposit automatically and digitally to the consumer.
• The cashier no longer has to pay the deposit to the customer in cash.
What are the advantages of BONI?
BONI increases the incentive to recycle products
BONI saves time – the dealers are not involved in the deposit settlement.
BONI is fraud-proof – it is not based on millions of identical barcodes, but on a BONI code that is unique for each item.
BONI is flexible – the amount of the deposit can be digitally adjusted at any time.
BONI is user-friendly – the deposit is paid out digitally.
BONI is transparent – all key figures can be disclosed.
BONI is international – thanks to the central administration and the digital deposit payments, BONI works across national borders.

BONI offers the solution
to collect PET bottles, HDPE plastic containers, beverage cans and glass bottles according to type and thus to optimally recycle them.
to collect complex products such as batteries, electrical appliances (electronic scrap), energy-saving light bulbs so that their metals and toxic substances can be removed and properly recycled.
for an efficient and cost-effective collection system.
to save the huge cost of eliminating littering and pollution, so that this money can be put to better use.
to transform the throwaway economy into a circular economy.

Who is behind BONI?
We are a group of committed inventors – engineers who have tasked themselves with developing an efficient and cost-effective collection system.
The digital deposit system was invented and patented by Bouke Stoffelsma. It was successfully tested in a pilot project by “return it” Deutschland GmbH.
We offer our knowledge, our experience and the BONI technology to politicians and interested environmental protection organisations.
We will competently implement the BONI system and provide continual smooth operation.
BONI has contacts to European environmental protection and zero-waste organisations, to organisations promoting the circular economy and to politicians who advocate the circular economy, as well as to recyclers and beverage producers.